Privacy Policy
The Father Pio and Mother Teresa “To Bring Succor in Suffering” association respects the privacy of ourBenefactors and providethisPrivacy Policy sothatBenefactorsknow to whatextenttheirpersonal data isprocessed, including the ability to independently, consciously and freelydecidewhether to useour services.ThisPrivacy Policy isbased on the followinglegalprovisions:
- Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the EuropeanParliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 regarding the protection of individuals and the processing of personal data and the freemovement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data ProtectionRegulation ) (Journal of Laws EU No. 119, p. 1) – alsoknown as “GDPR”;
- the Act of May 10, 2018 on the protection of personal data (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1000);
- the TelecommunicationsAct of July 16, 2004
(Journal of Laws of 2017, item 1907, as amended); - the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services
(Journal of Laws of 2017, item 1219, as amended).
- The data administrator is The Father Pio and Mother Teresa “To Bring Succor in Suffering” association, 7 Salezjanska Street, 96-300 Zyrardow, Poland. (The National Court Register number: 0000197373) (“Administrator”).
Purposes of personal data processing
- The Administrator processesBenefactors’ personal data in the followingsituations and purposes:
- implementation of the process of makingdonations (online payments) – including for the purpose of sendingthanks and placing on the list of Benefactors;
- providingelectronic services by sending a newsletter orprovidingother marketing content, includingdirect marketing
- Data processing in the casesprovided for abovetakes place on the basis of the Benefactor’sconsent.
- The administrator processes the personal data of the Benefactorsalso for archivalpurposes;
§ 3
- Benefactors’ data may be made available to PayPal, Przelewy24 and PocztaPolska SA in order to handle the donation process.
- Personal data may be made available at the request of public authorities authorized under the relevant provisions of law.
§ 4
- The data will not be transferred to third countries
§ 5
- Personal data will be stored for the timespecified by law.
§ 6
- If the basis for data processingis the consent of the Benefactor, he maywithdraw the consentatanytime by contacting the Data Administrator via e-mail at the followingaddress:
- Withdrawal of consentdoes not affect the processing of data thattakes place before the consentiswithdrawn.
§ 7
- The donor has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority in the event of a breach.
- Providingpersonal data is a condition for making a donation.
- Your data will not be subject to profiling and automateddecisionmaking.
- The data subjecthas the right not to be subject to a decisionbasedsolely on automatedprocessing, includingprofiling.
- Providing data by the Benefectorsis a contractualrequirementif the Donor uses the functionality of the Website, i.e. makes a donation. In thiscase, failure to provide the data willresult in the inability to make the donation.
- In the remainingscope, providing data is not a contractualorstatutoryrequirement and isvoluntary.
- The Benefactorhas the right to:
- access to personal data and to information on the manner and scope of theirprocessing;
- requestrectification of data iftheyareincorrectorincomplete;
- data deletionrequests;
- requests to limit the processing of personal data;
- requests for the transfer of personal data;
- objection to data processing.
- The Benefactorshouldsubmitrequests via e-mail to the followingaddress: